Category Archives: Epic Fantasy

T.G.I. … Tuesday?

The Tuesday after a three day weekend always makes me smile. Collectively, it does feel like society is back to work, and yet, it seems strangely closer to Friday than a normal Tuesday. That is a pretty cool thing. It did get me to wondering, what it is about certain days that gives them the […]


Sometimes, the national sentiment was one of resentment towards them, yet still they fought. Sometimes, the threat of the enemy seemed overwhelming, yet still they fought. Sometimes, they aimed their weapons through the haze of battle, only to see a family member aiming back, yet still they fought. Some came back battered and broken, all […]

It’s not you, it’s Mercury

While chatting with a friend yesterday, she told me that some strange occurrences were taking place at her work. She said the lines of communication had been going haywire all day. Interpersonal communication was being affected, as evidenced by misunderstandings and mistaken intentions. She explained to me that it was because Mercury is in retrograde. […]

Journey’s end is just the beginning …

As I stop to reflect upon this journey that we are taking, I can’t help but smile. It has been an amazing experience. Have you ever walked down a road, not knowing where it would lead, but somehow felt assured that it was taking you in the absolute right direction? Well, this is nothing like […]

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