What is Flow?

Ever get caught in a rut? You know, that feeling you get when you know you should be moving along yet, sadly, you are mired in the muck of your own uncertainty. You see others moving with what seems like impossible or unattainable ease. You though, just cannot see to free yourself from whatever quagmire […]

Spirits into Saints

November 1st is celebrated around the world as All Saints Day. As we all come out of our Halloween candy comas, I want to give you a couple facts about today. Ok, here goes: All Saints’ Day is a public holiday in Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Chile, Croatia, France, Hungary, Italy, Liechtenstein, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, […]

Happy Halloween!!

Ghosts and ghouls of every age, come and welcome to our new page! Happy Halloween all of you magical spooks and specters. It feels SO good to be back. We have taken some time, disappeared back into our mist shrouded forests, hidden glens and isolated castles, and emerged reborn and reinvented. Welcome to the Shield […]

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