Tag Archives: magic

The NEW Necromancers’ Pride online experience is here!

Your portal to all the adventure, all the excitement, all the characters and all the styles is here! Our online store is fully operational and completely interactive. Come, join us in experiencing the magic in all new ways! Visit the world, learn about the characters and interact as never before!! Show your PRIDE for the […]


Well, the caption above just about says everything. So, if it indeed says it all, I’m sure you’re wondering why it is that I am still writing? Well, that’s because I’m a writer…it’s what I do. Even though the sentiment expressed is clear, there is a lot of emotion behind it that may not be […]

Jason’s Blog: The Seven Mystical Wonders of Tarune Finale – Inferis Cubiculum

HELLO EVERYONE! HAPPY FRIDAY! Today is the last wonder of Tarune! Without further ado, lets begin! DISCLAIMER: This is a fictional interpretation of the fantasy world known as Tarune. This tale does not actually exist in the fabric of Tarune’s lore, but I think it would be a great addition. Last week you were introduced to […]

Coming soon is not soon enough!

OK, Priders, you’ve seen the pictures. You’ve read the blogs. Soon, you’ll be wearing the gear. We’re dotting the “i’s” and crossing the “t’s” and believe me, soon cannot get here quickly enough. Trust us, the images you have seen are only the tip of the iceberg. The fabrics are comfortable, form fitting and the […]


As you can see by the above pictures, the world of Necromancers’ Pride is moving by leaps and bounds. I like to use Thursdays as a day to reflect on the week behind us and to motivate us for what lies ahead. Well, these pictures inspire and motivate me to no end. You see, they […]

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