Tag Archives: Twitter

How to Come Up with Ideas!

Hey guys! Since last week’s blog post was so popular (the “How to Write a Blog Post” thingy), I am going to make another one! This one will be How to Come Up with Ideas (because I have no idea what to write about). Alright! Every once in a while, everyone runs out of ideas. […]

The definition of COURAGE.

Logan and I want to break down for you what it means to have courage. What jobs require courage? We’ve got you covered. What does it mean to be a hero? Well, to answer that, we will introduce you to the bravest, most courageous boy we know. He’s fighting cancer…and winning. Ladies and gentlemen, introducing…COOPER! […]

Burning the midnight oil.

Hey guys, it’s Caiya! Wow! Things have been crazy recently with all my high school entrance exams and prep work. My dad says I’ve been burning the midnight oil, which is kind of a tired cliche. But, he’s simply precious in his old age, so I’ll give it to him. 🙂 Anyway, I’ve got another cool […]

The Tale of the Shadow King

Tale of the Shadow King Hello Priders and welcome! I have not written a blog in a while, so I thought I would write one this week! This week is the epic tale of the Shadow King and his possessed sword. Disclaimer: As always, this is just my addition to the lore of Necromancers’ Pride […]

Lightning Strike Time!

We’ve got a lightning round of questions this week. Logan and I had a lot of fun doing them. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did! What did you think? This is your community. Share with us and don’t forget to LIKE us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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