What’s your ‘This Year’s Resolution?’

And … we’re back. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. If you survived Black Friday, I hope the deals you got were certainly worth it. There was lots of great football to watch over the course of the weekend. You have to love rivalry week. If you are a fan, I hope […]

Relax, kick off your shoes and stay awhile.

As I emerge from my food coma, the thing I am most thankful for now is that I am able to see through the haze of turkey, roast and all the trimmings to actually be able to write this. Oh, what a great feast day we had! When I wasn’t swimming in rivers of gravy, […]

Which Rich Person Are You?

I met a rich person yesterday, very rich. I mean, the kind of rich that buys a vacation home just for the tax write-off, the kind of rich that pays for his grandkid’s Taco Bell with the black Am Ex card. He probably has a standing tee time at Sherwood Country Club every morning, sleeps […]

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