Do your characters have emotion?

I was with a friend this weekend who asked me what kinds of things I look for in creating a story. “All kinds of things,” I responded. “It really just depends on what moves me at the time.” We were at a park with a beautiful lake. It was warm, with a breeze that modulated […]

… and a little child shall lead them.

Happy hump day, everyone. I don’t think that Geico camel truly appreciates how great a gig he’s got. Anyway, I was talking to D.W. earlier about how to continue to reach readers with our work. We bandied back and forth for awhile about different ideas for social networking, delved into detailed discussion about multi-level marketing, […]

Who Motivates You?

The radio stations around town do it, so I thought I would follow suit and give it a try, as well. Thanks KLOS. Two classic songs for the price of one. Instead of songs, however, I have writers. Two classic writers, two of my inspirations, in point of fact. I have been reflecting on what […]

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