Tag Archives: fantasy

Show us your PRIDE.

You’ve seen the images. You’ve gazed upon the styles. Are you a baseball cap sort of person? What about beanies, are they your thing? Is the black and white monochromatic theme something you fancy or are you into vibrant colors? And, come on, who doesn’t like a great fitting T? Front to back and high […]

Here come the LADIES!

The time is nearly here. It is so close, we can almost taste it. Sometimes, you don’t need a lot of words to tell the story. Although, as a writer, I cringe to admit that. In this case, though, that sentiment is quite apropos. In one week, give or take, we will be launching our […]


As you can see by the above pictures, the world of Necromancers’ Pride is moving by leaps and bounds. I like to use Thursdays as a day to reflect on the week behind us and to motivate us for what lies ahead. Well, these pictures inspire and motivate me to no end. You see, they […]

Jason’s Blog: The Seven Mystical Wonders of Tarune – The Forgotten Lair/Valley of Souls (Part 2)

Hello Everyone! Happy Friday! Today is the conclusion of the mini-series of The Forgotten Lair/ Valley of Souls. I hope you all enjoy! DISCLAIMER: All content stated in this blog is fictional to add to the fantasy of Necromancers Pride. This is not a part of the actual storyline, but I think it would be great if […]


Lore – noun: a body of traditions and knowledge on a subject or held by a particular group, typically passed from person to person by word of mouth. In epic fantasy, lore is a key component of world building. Indeed, in any tale, the lore of the world must be given full measure and forethought […]

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