Tag Archives: music

What is the power of “How?”

How? To be or not to be… is not really the question anymore. It is a great question, don’t get me wrong, and of course it is phrased brilliantly (thank you, Sir William), but it is not the question. How is. How do we? How can we? How should we? As in..how do we reach […]

5 tips to maintain your focus.

As we work on book 3 in the Necromancers’ Pride Saga, Storm of Shadows, I am constantly reminded of how many obstacles there are to keeping focused on the task at hand. Meetings, errands, blogs, honey-do’s (far more do’s than you would think once you are married), familial obligations and business concerns are not only […]

The Weavers

Weavers:  Weavers are the eyes, ears, mouths and voices of the Known Kingdoms. Far more than bards, though most Weavers do make their way as storytellers and minstrels; Weavers command a magic that allows them to communicate over great distances. A powerful guild, which extends throughout the Known Kingdoms, Weavers use song and the power […]

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