Tag Archives: energy

What is the Caredon Cycle?

I have been asked to shed some light on the Caredon Cycle and how it affects the world of Tarune. Well, that would take quite awhile and would reveal plot points that will be developed as the story continues to grow. However, in order to shed what light I can without revealing too much, I […]

Magic in the world of Tarune (Part I)

Greetings, fellow travelers. This week, we wanted to introduce to you information regarding magic in the world of Necromancers’ Pride. In every fantasy realm, magic and mystical powers are governed by their own specific rules and physics. In the same manner, Tarune has its own environmental constructs and rules to which magic must adhere. Here, […]

Goodness in…goodness out

I was chatting with someone the other day who was very complimentary in regards to my accomplishments. She was very happy for the success of Necromancers’ Pride (as am I). She wanted to know how I kept my energy positive in pursuing an endeavor such as writing, where the outcome is so uncertain and success […]

About the Oslyn

Greetings, fellow travelers. To give some insight into the world of Tarune and the realms and kingdoms of Necromancers’ Pride, we have decided to use Thursdays’ posts to shed light on different aspects of the world. We hope that this will enrich your reading and interactive experience with us. So, without further ado, here is […]

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